Registration & Product Sales

Please select the items you wish to purchase, by placing the desired quantity in the box below each item. Various items can be combined and purchased together. Select all of the items that you want and continue to the next step. Additional information and confirmations will appear on the following pages.
If you are purchasing tickets to the Par-Tee Night Out, please consider making a minimum donation of $25 to offset the costs of food and drinks. Thank you!
Registration Fees
More RUMC Member Special

RUMC Member registering on or before 9/20/2020. After 9/20/2020 the regular fee will apply.

More RUMC Members Only -Foursome Special- 4 Single Players Included

All players must be RUMC Members registering on or before 09/20/2020. After 9/20/2020 the regular fee will apply.

More RUMC Members Only - Foursome Special- Individual Player

RUMC Member part of an RUMC Team Paying Individually. Please post specific team name on registration.

More Single Player - Non Member

Individual Player

More Foursome - Non Members- 4 Single Players Included

Foursome of players.

More Sponsorship Foursome - NOTE: Prices listed are per person.

Sponsorship Foursome

More Sponsored Player

A sponsored player

More Team Sponsor* - 1 Foursome Included
  • Name listing on the event website.
  • Name & logo placement during event registration/check-in & other high-traffic areas.
  • One (1) complimentary team of four (4) players.*
More Par-Tee Night Out Reservation
Note Only 186 available.

3rd Annual Par-Tee Night Out The Saturday following the tournament (Saturday October 14, 2023), come and celebrate the work of the Foundation, appreciate all that support us, and congratulate the winners of the 26th Annual Malone Dodson Memorial Golf Tournament at a casual party in a private home. Ages 21 and up. Recommended $25 contribution per person to cover the cost of the heavy hors d'oeuvres, adult beverage bar and music.

More General Donation

Make a tax deductible donation to support the Foundation's operating budget. No goods or services rendered; therefore, 100% of this donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.